
A Brief Introduction

I am a borderline personality disorder. Or rather, I display all of the symptoms outlined in the DSM-IV associated with BPD.
I am also a new-found student of Buddhism. Apparently, it's good therapy, and I'm excited at the idea of something that may finally help me.

Now, the very nature of my disorder is in direct opposition to the ideals of Buddhism, and this can make things tricky at times. I'm in major conflict with myself, almost constantly. How conflicted? Buddhism has taught me one major thing so far; self-awareness. As such, I'm aware of when the disorder takes hold (more on what that does to me later), but am unable to do anything about it. So far.

One might think that I bitch quite a bit, and they'd be correct. However, that is not the purpose of this blog. Primarily, this is another part of my therapy. A log of experiences, how they affect me, and what I try to do to overcome my disorder with Buddhism.
I also hope to spread awareness of BPD, and to learn a few things about both the disorder, and the philosophy.

As for the rest, I'm a professional slacker from Canada. I have various and sundry hobbies, one of which is writing. I lead a pretty average life aside from the BPD. But that will come in due time.

For now, 'ohhhmmmmm'